To learn about being baptized at Holy Spirit, see below:
Infant Baptisms (newborn - 1st grade) An infant Baptism class is required for parents before your child’s Baptism. It is suggested that you take this class during your pregnancy. Please pre-register with the parish before the class. Contact: Lisa Estrada 972-298-4971 x312 or email [email protected]. For more information, stop by the Community Center Office to pick up an Infant Baptism Packet during regular office hours.
Children and Youth (ages 7 - 17 years) - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), adapted for children. Religious Education has established a Rite of Christian Initiation, based on the RCIA process and adapted for un-baptized children, which is a part of our family-centered sacramental preparation process. Children and Youth participate in the formation sessions with their parents, and sponsors are encouraged to participate to the degree possible.
Baptism for Adults (ages 18+) - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Call Lindee Greer in the RCIA office 972-298-4971 x343 for registration and further details on the RCIA process for Children and Adults.
Requirements for Baptism of Infants: