How do I enroll my child in Faith Formation?
Children’s Faith Formation (preK 3 through 6th grade) is Sunday at 9:15 a.m. or 11:15 a.m. Contact Deborah Pearson, Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator, x314 for registration information.
Youth Ministry includes grades 7-12. It meets Sunday evenings immediately following the 5:30 p.m. Mass - 8:30 p.m. Contact Rachel Cromwell-Reetz, YM Associate, x345.
Inquiries regarding sacramental preparation for Reconciliation or First Communion can be directed to Lisa Estrada, x312 and Confirmation may be directed to Rachel Cromwell-Reetz, x345.
I am planning to get married, where do I start?
You should make an appointment with Marcela Solis, Adult & Family Ministry Associate, at least 9 months prior to the wedding.
How can I have masses said for friends, family, or deceased loved ones?
Stop by or call the parish office. A suggested donation of $5.00 is in accordance with Church Law, and only one intention per mass is permitted. Please be aware that mass intentions often fill up to 6 months in advance.
How can I get my loved one’s name on the Prayers of the Faithful or the Prayer Chain?
Stop by or call the parish office during the week or submit your request by E-mail to Outreach Coordinator. You may also write the prayer request on the Liturgy bulletin board in the Narthex. It is possible to schedule the Sanctuary Candle to burn for specific intentions. You can make that request through the parish office, as well.
How do I arrange communion, confession or anointing of the sick for someone who is homebound, hospitalized or in a nursing home?
During regular hours, call the parish office. We have a team of Eucharistic ministers who visit people in their homes, in nursing homes, and hospitals. If you are hospitalized, tell the ER or floor nurse, “I am Catholic and want communion.” Nursing home residents and their families should tell the activity director that they are Catholic and want communion.
Please be aware that due to privacy regulations, hospitals and nursing facilities are no longer allowed to tell us which patients are Catholic. You must contact the Church and let us know if you want your loved ones visited. If you wish to have a priest visit, contact the Parish Office If it is an emergency after hours or on weekends, please call the parish office and you will be given instructions.
What other ministries are available to the homebound and sick?
At your request we will provide a prayer blanket for your loved one. These are made by our Craft Group and blessed by our priests. They are a reminder that the recipient is covered with prayer during serious illness. Call the Parish Outreach Office, if you would like a card or a visit from the Legion of Mary.
Are meals provided for homebound parishioners?
We do not have a meal ministry at this time. The food pantry is available to parishioners to obtain a few bags of staples. Contact the Parish Outreach Office for more information.
In addition, some parishioners participate in Meals on Wheels, which is part of the Visiting Nurses Association. They provide a hot mid-day meal to homebound citizens of Dallas County who meet eligibility requirements and for whom funding is available. Call (214) 689-0639.
How do I make an appointment to meet with a priest?
You can contact the parish office during the day or leave a message after hours. We will contact you when they are available for an appointment. If it is an emergency, please contact the adminstrative assistant to the pastor. If you are calling after hours or on a weekend, the parish recording will provide the emergency number to have a priest paged.
How do I get more information on becoming Catholic?
Contact Lindee Greer, x343, in the Adult Christian Initiation office. She can give you more information about the Catholic Church, what we believe and why we believe it. Lindee can also give you information regarding the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) process.