Summer is almost here, and everyone is on vacation. Can I take a vacation from going to Mass? Read on why you should go to Mass every Sunday and once you understand why, you may start going daily.
" The Year of Prayer is about preparing the groundwork so the Holy Year can spiritually enrich the life of the church and of the people of God and become a concrete sign of hope for the world, said the head of the Vatican office in charge of coordinating the Holy Year." This article from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops reminds us of the importance of prayer for our relationship with God.
How does God the Father teach His Children? How did Jesus teach the Apostles and his disciples? His Grace Bishop Raymond L. Burke covers various topics and methods in teaching the Faith to those around us.
When it comes to passing on the faith, what we do as a family has a great impact on children, "I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you" 1 Corinthians 11:23
As followers of Christ we are to be Christ to those in need. "Those at the margins are precious in God's eyes, honored guests in a kingdom without end." Writer Alice Camille visits a friend in San Francisco and is given the opportunity to see how we as Christians should help the marginalized and forgotten.
Our Catholic faith provides many opportunities for parents to pass on our faith. These are just a few suggestions to help form your family's faith journey and make it a life-long commitment.
It all comes back to the Eucharist. If we live the fruits of the Eucharist in our daily lives, we will fill our families and our communities with the life-giving qualities that the Liturgy brings: hospitality, concern for the poor and vulnerable, self-offering, and thanksgiving. Ref: Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2000.
The ACTS Ministry is creating a recipe book for our community at Holy Spirit, so you are invited to share your culture through cooking with the Holy Spirit. This is a fundraiser to assist our ACTS Scholarships and to continue with the ACTS Mission... para español aquí.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020. For additional information on how to apply, go to the FEMA website:
In celebration of the Year of St. Joseph, a bilingual Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, May 1st, 2021, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Holy Cross Catholic Church 5004 Bonnie View Road Dallas, TX 75241 The Feast of St. Joseph the Worker was instituted by Pope Pius XII on May 1, 1955. All are invited to attend this mass in recognition of all workers. Health and safety protocols will be observed. Please arrive early as seating may be limited.
Remember that anyone 60+ can come to Fair Park and receive a COVID-19 vaccine without an appointment or pre-registration on the waitlist. Those individuals will be registered on-site and placed in an express lane. If they've preregistered, the process will be even faster. Please note that this is only for the days of operation at Fair Park and on days scheduled on
The Diocese of Dallas is looking for faithful, committed Catholic men to answer the call to the diaconate. Good deacons can be a great asset to the local Church. Classes begin in September for the 6-year period of formation. Those interested in applying should attend an information session this spring. Please visit, or email [email protected] to find out who can apply, and how to attend an information session. Español La Diócesis de Dallas está buscando hombres católicos fieles y comprometidos para responder al llamado al diaconado. Los buenos diáconos pueden ser de gran valor para la Iglesia local. Las clases comienzan en septiembre para el período de formación de 6 años. Los interesados en applicar deben asistir a una sesión informativa esta primavera. Visite, o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] para informarse quién puede postularse y cómo asistir a una sesión de información.