We are now accepting Silent Auction items. Please bring them to the community center during office hours: 9:00 am—5:00 pm, Monday through Thursday and 9:00 am — noon on Fridays.
Please be sure to fill out a donation form.
Thank you for your donation for this important cause.
On Sunday, August 5, 1:30 pm, we will gather in the community center lobby to prepare the raffle ticket packets for the Fall Festival for mailing out to the homes of our parishioners.
If we have enough volunteers, it will only take a few hours. If you are able to help, please contact Donzella at 972-293-8292 or call the church office at 972-298-4971.
We appreciate your help with this project.
Collection of rummage items for Fall Festival is going on now! You can bring in kitchenware, utensils, clothes, shoes, kick knacks, toys, books, CDs, DVDs, garden tools, lamps, linens, and electronics (NO COMPUTERS please!). Bring in only items that can be used for resale. Come in during the hours of 9—5 Monday through Thursday or Fridays until noon. Closed 12-1 for lunch.
Save large items until early September pickup. We will take phone calls, 972-298-4971, to arrange for pick up of large items only.